Friday, September 16, 2011

The Rock in Rockies

This Advertisement reads: "We put the Rock in Rockies!" by Shane Co. While I was at a Rockies game recently, this ad stood out to me. There are tons of brands that place ads within the Coors Field stands, but this one seemed very clever. Shane Co. is a local jewelry store who specializes in fine diamonds.

Shane Co. is showing their support for a local sports team, which usually goes over great with the "die hard" fans as well as the occasional game attendees. It is great that Shane Co. can send a very clear and strong message with one sentence and no graphics at all. Creative phrases such as this one are an excellent strategy for advertisers to follow, if only it can be done well and pulled off! :)

Advertising with any major sports organization is an excellent way to get your brand's message out to millions of people. As I was looking more into the advertising opportunities at Coors Field, I found that there are multiple ways a brand can choose to connect their advertising with Coors Field/ The Rockies. There are Print, Signage, Media, In-Stadium Promotions, In-Game Entertainment, Retail Promotions, and Online Opportunities. To find out more about advertising at Coors Field, visit this link: