Monday, November 28, 2011

U just Gotta Get 'em (UGG boots)

There are hundreds of brands of shoes out there, and thousands of styles/types of shoes. I myself have over 100 pairs of shoes, and my collection grows on a weekly basis it seems like. However, I would have to say, my favorite pairs of shoes are definitely my UGG boots. I have 3 pairs in my collection! How did I hear about this brand or what made me decide to fork over my entire piggy bank to purchase these high-priced shoes? Well, I had never seen an advertisement for UGGs before I bought my first pair, but I did HEAR about them. When I was in highschool, a few girls had gotten UGGs as a birthday present or a Christmas present and word was going around about how awesome these boots were. People were not only talking about how stylish they were, but about how expensive they are. Once I saw them (on the other girls) I fell in love. I started researching the fabulous boots online, and found that I couldn't buy a pair for any less than $150! Wow, what kind of high school student could afford these with a part-time, minimum wage job? Well, I saved up for over a month and I finally was able to buy my very own UGGs.

I completely believe that Word-of-Mouth is the best strategy for most brands. It is one of the most credible strategies and someone spreading the word about a brand passes on a positive and powerful message, and its completely free! Although the above variety of print ads for UGG Austrailia are quite attention grabbing and appealing, for such a high quality, well known brand that is universal, such advertisements are almost unnecessary. In my opinion, the advertisements that UGG Austrailia puts out are to inform current customers of new styles and the variety of products that are available. People who do not already own UGGs may not be intrigued by the simple print ads, but they will be hooked on the product once they see them and feel them and try them on for themselves. I mean, they must be totally amazing if they make people like them so much they are willing to pay such a high price for them. But the sky-high prices are understandable, because the materials are high-quality, durable, and extremely comfortable. To find out more about these perfect boots, visit the brand's official website:

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