Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Double Take- Creative Ads

On average, a person is exposed to thousands of advertisements each day. Sometimes, advertisements are overlooked, either because they are familiar, they don't stand out, or they are difficult to comprehend. In order to find some advertisements that are creative and unique, I did some searching on the internet. Through the website:, I stumbled upon a collection of advertisements that were ingenious, both from within the U.S. and foreign. It was difficult for me to pick my favorite ad from this list, however, I really enjoyed this one!

This ad is both a creative advertisement and an important public service announcement. At first glance, you just see a naked man among other men who are fully clothed and intensely "protected". At second look, you notice the condom in the lower right hand corner. On the condom rapper is the message of the advertisement, "Dont Be Stupid, Protect yourself". The wrapper also includes the company/brand website: I assumed that this condom company was just a foreign brand of contraceptives. However, once going to the website, it is actually a site where you can order a vast variety of condoms, contraceptives, and sex toys.

I think this ad is not only creative, attention grabbing, and unique, but it also relays an important message! This ad uses images that are memorable and that stand out among other typical photos. The text within this ad is very minimal, but I think that the tagline that is used is the perfect amount of text. Overall, this advertisement is great and seems like it would be very effective and portraying the message of having safe sex.

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