Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jack In The Box is Thinking Outside of the Box

This new commercial by the fast food chain: Jack In The Box really caught my attention. Jack In The Box is well known for its creative and different advertisements, which mostly all feature the brand's character "Jack Box". An advertising strategy that has remained consistent with this brand and has been quite successful, is that of "Advertising Trade Characters". This strategy, if done right, is an excellent tactic and has many benefits.
One benefit of a brand character is that they don't age, so they can appeal to different generations of consumers. Another benefit is that the characters are "animated", and therefore the brand has complete control over them. Unlike celebrity endorsers, characters wont get caught up in scandals that could cause negative backlash on the brand  and steer away consumers. A different benefit of trade characters is that they can be created to be very relevant to the consumers and the brand.
For Jack In the Box, "Jack Box" is a comedic character that brings humor and uniqueness to the brand and its products that allow the consumers and target audience members to easily recognize the brand and recall the products that are promoted through the advertisements.

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